It also shows us the darker side of our interaction with others in our daily life. All the things our mother never thought to tell us!! Etiquette for the Social Impaired

I'll include some of the contents here for you all to read, think of it,enjoy your funny etiquette that you are showing to the people that surrounded you......
"Just reach for what you want at the table,Don't bother other diners by asking them to pass something"
"It's O.K. to be rude to tourists, because you'll never see them again."
"Thank you" has been updated to "it's about time"
'When waiting in a long line,don't be patient.Tap your foot repeatedly,sigh heavily and check your watch a lot.Make constant remarks about how busy you are and how much you hate to wait"
"Used to be,if someone was weaving all over the road.He was drunk.Now,he's probably just on the phone"
"Speaking you mind isn't the same thing as using it."
"The distance that someone should stand behind an ATM user is directly proportional to the caliber of the handgun they are carrying."
"Always offer your seat to an older person on the bus.They may mention you in their will."
"People put out guest towels when they want you to wipe yours hands on your pants."
"If the wedding announcement has an expiration date on it,don't spend a lot on the gift."
"Be nice to people you DON'T know;it will confuse them."
"Be nice to people you DO know;it will frighten them."
"When you have the window seat on a airplane, make sure to use the bathroom about 35 times during a 2 hours flight. This gives the folks next to you a chance to get some exercise."
so far i will write a few of the contents, it's a lot more to write and i'm still with my fb...
see you..
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