Friday, August 13, 2010

Pearl Harbour Day in a time

The harbor is already a mass of destruction and panic;
screaming everywhere, men trying to fight fires, move the
wounded; the second wave of planes hits, and tremendous
explosions now rock the secondary ships like the destroyer
SHAW, blasting it apart.

But the Japanese pilots are now having trouble with the thick
black smoke coming out of the damaged ships, and off the oil
fires along the water. One torpedo plane, its pilot flying
blind, clips the superstructure of a battleship and spins to
a crash.

Still, even in the chaos on the ships, the sailors struggle
to survive, inventively. Men trapped on one burning ship use
the severed barrel of a five-inch naval gun as a bridge to
cross to the less damaged ship anchored beside them.

Others jump into the water and swim through the burning oil,
towing buddies too wounded to swim themselves.

Below decks, sailors have organized a line and are passing
ammunition from the ammo lockers, hand to hand up to the guns
on deck. Blasts from bombs hit them and ignite the ammo
they're holding, setting off a chain reaction of explosions.

On the deck, the sailors are out of ammo. An OFFICER grabs a